Trademark Services and Fees

Trademark Search Services: 

You may choose to have your trademark searched for potential conflicts before submitting an application. The fees for Trademark Search services are:   

New Trademark Applications: 

The fees for New Trademark Application services are:

*Note that a $200 USPTO per class Filing Fee Surcharge applies to applications with “custom” descriptions not found in the Trademark ID Manual.

The New Trademark Application flat fee includes:

Preparing and filing an application based on the information you provided to us;

  • Reporting your serial number and/or verification codes to e-commerce platforms of your choice (i.e. Amazon or Walmart);

  • Reporting the publication of your application; and

  • Reporting the registration of your mark and sending you an electronic certificate of registration.

The New Trademark Application flat fee does not include:

  • Searching the availability, or commenting on the availability, of your trademark (which is a separate fee, as discussed above);

  • Proving use of the mark if the application is filed on an “intent to use” basis;

  • Telephone consultations, which can be arranged by appointment only and will be invoiced at our hourly rate of $400 per hour;

  • Filing change of information forms such as changes to the owner's name or address, which are also subject to separate charges;

  • Reporting, discussing, researching, and responding to office actions;

  • Enforcing your trademark rights;

  • Negotiations or dispute resolution; or

  • Litigation, including opposition and cancellation proceedings.

Intent to Use Applications: 

 If you elect to proceed with an “intent to use” application, your application will require a second step, at a later date, where we must prove you are using your mark by filing a Statement of Use. The fees for Statement of Use services are:

Trademark Maintenance Filing Services:

After registration, we must make a maintenance filing (renewal) at the five-, ten-, and subsequent ten-year anniversaries of the registration. As of the date of this Engagement Letter, the fees for maintenance filing services are as follows:

* Please also note that the attorney fees quoted in this Engagement Letter may be subject to occasional adjustment from time to time at our firm’s discretion. The USPTO also makes periodic changes to its schedule of fees.

Response to Office Action or Dispute Services:

We use our experience and professional judgment to try to avoid Office Actions, but they are not infrequent, especially where the applicant has elected not to have a professional search and clearance of the mark performed.  If a more substantive Office Action issue, and/or an Office Action requires us to seek your input, we report, prepare, and submit responses to Office Actions on an hourly basis, at current a rate of $400 an hour.  We will not prepare or file the Office Action response until you have approved the fees.