Trademarks Made Easy
Though not required for all U.S. trademark applicants, working with a lawyer to file your application makes the process smoother from beginning to end, and improves your chances of achieving a registration. Our small team of experts has successfully filed thousands of trademark applications for clients in the U.S. and beyond, earning a reputation for efficient, high-quality service.
Yes, it’s possible to file your own trademark application. But protecting your brand is the kind of thing you want to get right the first time. Save yourself the hassle and work with us instead.
Expertise Within Reach
Our team of lawyers are among the most experienced trademark application experts in the U.S. Unlike other law firms and online legal services, trademarks are more than just a small part of our business—they’re actually our specialty. By focusing on trademark applications, we’re able to streamline our process and keep costs down.
Our efficient process allows us to connect clients directly to their lawyers rather than having to work with a secretary or paralegal as a go-between. That’s a level of service you won’t find anywhere else, all at a low, pre-determined flat rate.
In addition to independently providing trademark application services for a wide range of businesses, we have also been selected to serve clients through Amazon’s IP Accelerator program.
If you’re an Amazon seller, click here to learn more about our Amazon Brand Registry trademark application services.
Our Trademark Application Process
how does it work?
We start by gathering information about your brand with an intake questionnaire. From there, we’ll assess your unique situation and determine which type of trademark application is best for you.
Not sure what that means? That’s okay. We’re here for you—check out our Trademark Info Guide to learn everything you need to know about trademarks & our process.
what does it cost?
Business owners naturally care about their bottom line. We’re committed to transparency with our flat-fee pricing and any additional costs you might incur along the way.
Your final fee will depend on factors such as your product’s current status, the types of products you sell & whether your case requires extra help. No matter what, we’ve got our pricing spelled out clearly so you’ll know what to expect.
Reviews from Our Clients
“Outstanding focus, attention and follow-through. I could not be happier.”
“Everything was done ahead of schedule and was detailed in a way that even a layperson could understand.”
“I give IdeaLegal a strong 10/10. They work fast, communicate quickly and are very patient. It is refreshing to find a company that has my best interest in mind. I trust them implicitly.
Our Team
Meet the Attorneys Who Assist Our TRADEMARK APPLICATION Clients
Andrea Selkregg
With previous experience overseeing a global trademark portfolio for a major corporation, Andrea is well suited to work with both USA-based and international sellers.
Elizabeth Milesnick
With more than 20 years of experience as an IP lawyer, Elizabeth is an effective problem-solver who knows how to find cost-effective strategies for all her clients.
Ready to Get Started? Have Questions?
Whether you’re ready to work with us or you just want more information, the first step is to get in touch with us. Tap the button below and tell us about yourself.
We’ll follow up within one business day to kickstart the U.S. trademark application process.